
Seminar on "Rapid IoT apps development using Docker Containers"

as part of PhD studies in Information Engineering at Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria July 2024 
Containers are a lightweight approach to virtualization that developers can apply to rapidly develop, test, deploy, and update IoT applications at scale. Docker is an open platform for container-based virtualization. Docker makes it fast and easy to build containers and to deploy them just about anywhere: in a private or public cloud, within a local VM, or on physical hardware including IoT devices.  This course will focus on the use of containers for the development and prototyping of applications, with a strong focus on IoT and networking. The approach of the course is mainly practical, presenting the topic of Docker Containers through examples, integrating services and protocols like LoRAWAN, MQTT, REST, time-series database (e.g. InfluxDB), server agents (e.g., Telegraf), and so on.

PDF Icon The pdf version of the slides is available here

PDF Icon The code examples are available here



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