June 14-17, 2022:
Prof. Carlos T. Calafate attends the WoWMoM conference.
- Prof. Carlos T. Calafate physically attended the WoWMoM 2022 conference, taking place in Belfast, UK, to present paper "Collision-free swarm take-off based on trajectory analysis and UAV grouping". He also chaired session #1 of the conference, dedicated to "Next Generation Networks".

April 6-8, 2022:
The GRC organizes the CAPAP-H seminar.
- Prof. José María Cecília was the local organizer of the CAPAP-H event for the 2022 edition taking place in Valencia. All GRC members participated and supported the event. In particular, Prof. Pietro Manzoni gave a 2-day seminar entitled: IoT and Edge Computing: stories of a necessary relationship.

March 7-10, 2022:
Professor Wojciech Giernacki visits the GRC lab.
- Professor Wojciech Giernacki, from the Poznan University of Technology, Poland, visited the GRC lab during an Erasmus+ stay at the UPV. During this stay he gave 3 interesting talks entitled: Erasmus+ at the Poznan University of Technology and AeroLab, Selected research topics in the field of mobile robotics at the Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, and In-flight tuning of UAVs controllers - from idea to patent protection.

November 25-26, 2021:
PhD student Jamie Wubben attends the PEWASUN 2021 virtual workshop (integrated into MSWiM 2021).
- Student Jamie Wubben attended the PEWASUN workshop taking place virtually (online) to present his work "A collision avoidance strategy for multirrotor UAVs based on artificial potential fields", which was done in collaboration with the University of Antwerp, Belgium.

November 21, 2021:
Newspaper ABC highlights SETMAN research activities
- Spanish newspaper ABC published a 2-page article dedicated to Intelligente Transportation Systems in Smart Cities, highlighting the efforts made in the SETMAN project towards a centralized traffic management system applicable to autonomous vehicles. See the full story here.

September 27 - October 28, 2021:
PhD student José Daniel Padrón attends the VTC-Fall 2021 virtual conference.
- Student José Daniel Padrón attended the VTC-Fall 2021 event taking place virtually (online) to present his work "Assessing the impact of road traffic constraints on pollution".

September 27-29, 2021:
Prof. Carlos T. Calafate chaired the DS-RT 2021 conference.
- Carlos T. Calafate organized the virtual event IEEE/ACM DS-RT 2021 acting as General Chair. Several group members were involved in various tasks, acting as publicity, publications, demos and local organization chairs. PhD student Jamie Wubben presented his research work at the event as well.

September 22-24, 2021:
GRC members attend the CEDI 2021 conference.
- Profs. Carlos T. Calafate and José María Cecília, along with PhD students Miguel Nakamura, Jamie Wubben, José Daniel Padrón, and Daniel Hernández, attended the CEDI 2021 event taking place in Málaga, Spain.

April 25 - May 19, 2021:
PhD student Daniel Hernandez attends the VTC-Spring 2021 virtual conference.
- Student Daniel Hernández attended the VTC-Spring 2021 event taking place virtually (online) to present his work "The Kuhn-Munkres algorithm for efficient vertical takeoff of UAV swarms".

November 3, 2020:
Carlos Tavares Calafate gave a keynote speech at the EDiS’2020 conference.
- Prof. Carlos T. Calafate was one of the keynote speakers at the 2nd International Conference on Embedded & Distributed Systems, EDiS’2020, organized by the University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella - Oran, Algeria, and taking place virtually.

September 25, 2020:
Carlos Tavares Calafate gave an invited speech at the Technical University of Manabí, Ecuador.
- Prof. Carlos T. Calafate was invited by the Faculty of Informatic Sciences, Technical University of Manabí, Ecuador, to give a speech on the topic of Smart Cities to the newly graduated students of that institution.

September 14-16, 2020:
Carlos Tavares Calafate acted as TPC Chair at DS-RT 2020.
- Prof. Carlos T. Calafate acted as TPC Chair at DS-RT 2020, the IEEE/ACM 24th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), held this year virtually via Zoom from September 14 to 16, 2020.

August 6, 2020:
Carlos Tavares Calafate and Francisco Martínez hosted the VENITS 2020 workshop.
- Prof. Carlos T. Calafate and Prof. Francisco Martínez acted as chairs and hosts of the 5th edition of the VENITS workshop, the International Workshop on Vehicular Networking and Intelligent Transportation Systems, that took place virtually via Zoom on August 6, 2020, in conjunction with ICCCN 2020.

August 3, 2020:
Carlos Tavares Calafate chairs the ICCCN 2020 conference.
- Prof. Carlos T. Calafate welcomed participants as General Chair at the inaugural session of the IEEE ICCCN 2020 conference, taking place from August 3-6, 2020. The conference was virtually hosted via Zoom.

July 27, 2020:
Carlos Tavares Calafate was keynote speaker at inaugural session of ICCIS 2020.
- Prof. Carlos T. Calafate had the honor to be the keynote speaker at the inaugural session of "ICCIS 2020", the 1st International Conference on Systems and Information Sciences in Manta – Ecuador on July 27-29, 2020. The title of the keynote was: Applications and Services based on UAVs. The conference was hosted via Zoom, and the keynote reached a record number of online attendants: 215.

December 9-13, 2019:
Pietro Manzoni and Juan Carlos Cano attended to the 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference.
- The GRC Group attended to the “IEEE Global Communications Conference”, which took place in Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA. We presented two recent papers developed under the umbrella of the SETMAN project. In adittion Pietro was as the Organizer of the Internet of Things Symposium. We enjoyed the conference a lot, and had the oportunity to have meeting with colleagues and friends who work in our same research area.

October 28-31, 2019:
Prof. Johann Marquez Barja visited the GRC.
- Prof. Johann Marquez Barja, from imec-University of Antwerp, Belgium, visited the GRC under de Erasmus staff mobility program, and gave 2 keynote talks dedicated to vehicular networks and 5G. Also, collaborations on future research activities were discussed in private meetings.

October 18, 2019:
Prof. Carlos T. Calafate was interviewed on the radio.
- Prof. Carlos T. Calafate gave a long interview on the COPE radio talking about the centralized traffic management solution (ABATIS) developed in the scope of project SETMAN.
October 17, 2019:
The work of PhD student Jorge Zambrano receives award & attention from the press.
- The recently defended thesis of student Jorge Zambrano received the 2nd prize in the 6th edition of the Sustainable Mobility week organized by the Generalitat Valenciana. In addition, it received significant interest from the press, including radio interview for Cadena Ser and publication in several newspapers:

October 9, 2019:
Prof. Carlos T. Calafate gave a seminar at Reggio Calabria University.
- Prof. Carlos T. Calafate was invited by the members of the ARTS research group to give a seminar on UAV to group members and Master students.

October 7-9, 2019:
Prof. Carlos T. Calafate participated in the organization of the DS-RT 2019 conference.
- Prof. Carlos T. Calafate acted as TPC Co-Chair in the DS-RT 2019 conference organized in the University of Cosenza. His activities included organization issues, chairing several sessions, presenting 2 research works, and giving out best paper awards.

September 27, 2019:
PhD student Jorge Zambrano defends his thesis.
- Jorge Zambrano defended his thesis entitled "Efficient Traffic Management in Urban Environments", supervised by Carlos Tavares Calafate and David Soler. Juri members included Francisco Martinez, Otoniel Lopez and Silvia Mirri. His thesis obtained maximum score and Cum Laude. In addition, the thesis was awarded a 2nd prize by the GVA in the European Sustained Mobility week awards.

September 25-27, 2019:
Members of the GRC organized the GoodTechs 2019 conference.
- Leaded by the head of the GRC group Pietro Manzoni, which acted as General Chair, the members of the group organized the GoodTechs 2019 conference in Valencia. This conference aims at Social Good: using technology to improve our lifes and our planet.

September 24, 2019:
Prof. Armir Bujari gave a seminar for GRC members.
- Prof. Armir Bujari, from the Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy, was invited by the GRC to give a talk entitled: "Room for all? Heterogeneous communications in a mobile world."

September 18-20, 2019:
The GRC Group attended to the 2019 Jornadas Sarteco in Caceres.
- The GRC Group attended to the “Jornadas Sarteco 2019”, which took place in Caceres. As every year we enjoyed quite a lot with our young and promising research students, and meeting with colleagues from other Spanish University. Our group presented our last research finding under the SETMAN project related to the area of Intelligent Transport System and Autonomous Vehicles or DRONES. We also had time to enjoy CAceres, The city, its monuments, the University and its gastronomy. See all you next year in Málaga!!!!
September 9-11, 2019:
Carlos T. Calafate, invited keynote speaker on the International School on Data Science and IoT.
- Prof. Carlos T. Calafate was an invited speaker at the ISDIT 2019 International School on Data Science and IoT organized by the University of Catania, on the topic of UAVs and UAV applications. There he could meet other researchers like Antonio Liotta and Sergi Abadal, along with the organizers and multiple PhD students.

July 29th - August 1, 2019:
Our GRC group organized the prestigious IEEE ICCCN Conference.
- July 29th to August 1st our group was honored to organize the prestigious IEEE ICCCN 2019 Conference that was held in Valencia. ICCCN is one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel ideas and fundamental advances in the fields of computer communications and networks. ICCCN serves to foster communication among researchers and practitioners with a common interest in improving computer communications and networking through scientific and technological innovation. Prof. Juan Carlos Cano was the General Co-Chair of the Conference, Carlos T. Calafate was the TPC Co-Chair, Pietro Manzoni was the General Workshops Co-Chair, Enrique Orallo was the Publicity Co-Chair, and Jose Oliver was the Local Arrangements Co-Chair.

June 16th, 2019:
Our GRC group participated in the UPV Exhibition of inventions.
- June 16th our group particitated in the Exhibition of invention of the UPV. To commeemorate the 50th aniversary of the UPV this time the exhibition was organized at the city hall square in downtown. We presented the Escua-dron- invention. Escua-Dron allows you to coordinate a swarm of drones to follow the same planned mission and maintaining a stable formation. It also allows to manually guide a swarm of drones maintaining a stable formation. For this, the pilot controls the drone located in the center of the formation, while the rest of the drones adapt their movements automatically to follow the drone.

April 26th, 2019:
The project is officially approved for funding!.
- Congratulations to all the participants in this project. Time to start working!